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Product News
November 13, 2023

January 2024 Release Notes

January 2024 Release Notes

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Happy New Year! We're kicking things off with a big release of new features in Wooshii Insight.

Here's what's new in January 2024:

  1. X/Twitter Integration: Now you can truly understand your video performance across YouTube, Brightcove, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X/Twitter!
  2. 40+ Video Health Checks: We test your videos against 40 health factors to ensure they're optimised for where you're publishing them.
  3. Custom Segments: Need a Segment for something really specific, like something in the title, a given duration, or views in a given range? Now it's possible.

👀 Looking ahead, we're working on something very special that will help you make creative decisions that you know will perform and are backed-up by data. Watch. This. Space.

(Your feedback drives our enhancements. If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know!)

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Supercharge Your Video Performance.