
Smart Creative

Transform your video archives into a goldmine of insights with smart discovery and creative analytics.

Wooshii Insight advanced search

Analyse and understand creative.

How does the your tone of voice impact performance? How does your shot editing speed affect engagement?

Dive into over 30 creative factors and inform your future creative assets.

Creative Analysis
30+ Creative Factors
Map to Performance

Reveal the video treasures in your library.

Stop relying on human tagging or DAMs. Wooshii Insight will find all your videos where ever they are.

Find videos, clips or shots that can re-purposed or reused and unlock the value in your library.

Find Clips Without Tags
Across Platform Search
Re-use and Re-purpose
total videos indicator
Man in a kitchen
See It In Action
Is my data secure with Wooshii Insight?

We take your data security very seriously. We only pull data from your API keys and are ISO27001 and GDPR certified.

How long does it take to get started?

We can be up and running in a few minutes. Our support team will get you all setup on a call.

Do you have an agency plan? Can I use Wooshii Insight for my clients?

Yes. Wooshii Insight is used by a number of agencies and consultants to provide additional benefot to their customers.

Who is Wooshii Insight built for?

If you are working with video then Wooshii Insight is for you. It takes minutes to get started and the AI engine means that you do not need to be a video expert to interact with the video data.

Do you offer technical and analysis support?

Yes. We have a team of video analyst that can help interpret your data. All licences come with support and we even have a priority support team for those that want it.

Supercharge Your Video Performance.